

As a responsible residential construction business in London, we’re ultra-aware of the impact that builders can have on the local community. Noise, disruption, disorder — or worse.

Here at Home Republic, we take our commitment to the neighborhoods in which we work extremely seriously. After all, not only are we working in and around your home, we’re also highly visible and audible to those around you. We understand that open communication is key to fostering positive relationships with our neighbors. That’s why we provide regular residential notices and newsletters, keeping you informed about the progress of the project and any potential disruptions. We also proactively monitor noise levels and implement measures to minimize disturbances, ensuring your comfort and peace of mind. Your well-being and safety are our top priorities, and we are committed to maintaining a healthy and secure environment throughout the construction process.

For your peace of mind, it will be reassuring to know that we have strict Environmental Customer Service & Health & Safety policies and won multiple awards in the Considerate Constructors Scheme. Accredited members since 2016, when we several gold, silver, and bronze awards in the following categories:

  • Respect the Community
  • Protect the Environment
  • Secure Everyone’s Safety
  • Value Their Workforce
  • Care About Appearance

Our Sites

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Our Ongoing Work

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How Our Sites Look

We’re a business committed to improving the images of the construction sector. As you can see from the images below, our sites are nothing short of immaculate, and we keep them that way — each and every day.

In fact, site good housekeeping is a must-have, and strict rules are in place, with weekly checks to ensure that everything is pristine.

To protect the immediate surroundings, and in effect «soften» the impact of building works, we use carefully maintained camouflage hoardings, with full signage and publicly visible information about our company. There is also a noticeboard, with a feedback box.

Roads and footpaths around the site are always maintained to a high standard. Our company image is vital; therefore everyone wears branded uniforms and Personal protective equipment where appropriate. And, we proudly display our Considerate Constructors membership, too.

How We Respect Our Community

Advance Notification. Home Republic will always seek to engage with local people, even before we begin work on a site. This helps us to understand how best to reduce any negative effects on the community. For instance, restricting the delivery of materials or limiting noise within defined times.

Open Meetings. We need your feedback! Open meetings will give you the opportunity to express your feelings and concerns.

Communication. Home Republic sends out local pre-start newsletters through your door, always asking for neighbours’ opinions, and encourage local people to fill in surveys. with notices and site cameras to keep everyone up to speed.

We support local businesses, and encourage our suppliers and contractors to do the same.


Health and Safety

Click on the link to read more about our Heath and Safety Policy, but here are the headlines:

We believe our commitment to safety is unparalleled, and we’re always looking to learn and improve. We have 5 qualified first aiders who receive regular training reviews and updates.

Not only are safety checks carried out via a schedule, everyone follows strict processes via daily briefings. The entire team signs in and out, CCTV monitors access control, and high-quality scaffolding using monarflex sheeting keeps everyone working at height as secure as possible.

Why we do this?

Because we need to, and we want to.

Our reputation and company image could not be more important to us.

Home Republic recognises that YOU matter, your family matters, everyone matters.


Contact Info

0208 680 1419 business@home-republic.co.uk
22 Laud Street, London, CR0 1SU