Environment andCommunity


Home Republic — Our Standards within the Community

We’re award-winning members of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. And, for a very good reason:

  • Our building sites are nothing short of immaculate. The image we present to the world is the one that we champion at all times: good order, outstanding organisation and an approach to health and safety that’s second to none.
  • Home Republic is visible! We aim to leave a positive legacy wherever we build, promoting our brand, and creating immaculate beautiful homes. Our mission is to ensure that those who come into contact with us will remember, and recommend us to others as a stand-out business.
  • We hold the highest standards of ethical, professional integrity with everyone we meet, work for, and work with. Where possible, we support local businesses, provide work experience for young, local people and will always insist on the absolute and best standards of behaviour on all our sites.
  • Public consultations ahead of time of each of our building projects

Read more on our Values and Mission page, and on our Approach page.

As Green As We Can Be

To offset our emissions, we’ve invested in a tree planting scheme in Surrey and Kent, courtesy of www.carbonfootprint.com. Home Republic has been doing this for four years. Whilst we can’t avoid releasing carbon into the atmosphere, our avowed aim is to give back in some way — re-balancing where we can.

Here are just a few of our greener initiatives:

  • We only draw on the expertise of sustainable providers of recycling services
  • Regularly publish our site recycling
  • Separate on-site waste so that 95% of it DOESN’T end up in landfill
  • Re-use materials where possible
  • Use plant, machinery and tools with lower energy outputs
  • Re-use materials where possible
  • Use plant, machinery and tools with lower energy outputs
  • Why not read more in-depth information on our Greener Values page?

To coin a phrase, there literally IS no Planet B, so we’re working hard to respect the world around us as much as we can.

And, to take an ever-improving approach at all times in everything we do within the communities in which we work.

Contact Info

0208 680 1419 business@home-republic.co.uk
22 Laud Street, London, CR0 1SU